The 6 Ways to FIND GRATITUDE When Everything Goes Wrong
“No matter how good or bad we have it on any particular day, we do our best to wake up grateful for our lives, because other people in other places are desperately fighting for theirs.”
-Marc Chernoff
In the hustle and bustle of life, especially when difficult circumstances strike, finding sincere gratitude is much easier said than done. But at the same time, it is also true that most of the time we make tragedy out of small events in our life. We should understand our circumstances better and try to discover methods of gratitude that can enable us to grow through them. Here are some strategies for cultivating genuine gratitude when everything appears to be going wrong.

Point One Percent Better : Gratitude
1. Find gratitude around difficult people.
You can be grateful for having other people in your life who are far less difficult. You can be grateful for having a way to practice being better at patience, communication, and tempering your expectations.
“You can be grateful for them because they serve as a great reminder of how not to be.”
2. Find gratitude when you catch yourself complaining.
There is always something to be unhappy about as well as thankful for. We are free to choose. Every time you catch yourself getting angry or complaining, pay attention to the story you are telling yourself about “how life should be.” Find a modest way to be appreciative instead of allowing this narrative to consume you.
What could you feel grateful for right now? What could you appreciate about this moment?
What could you appreciate about this moment?
3. Find gratitude when you are overwhelmed.
The more you get familiar with an amazing situation or relationship in your life, the more you appear to take it for granted. When faced with an overwhelming scenario, push yourself to change your viewpoint by using this simple phrase “… and I love it!”
Challenge yourself to flip your perspective in overwhelming moments using a simple reframing tool — “. . . and I love it!”
4. Find gratitude after job loss.
Even if quitting a job or losing a job is unpleasant, it marks the end of one chapter and the start of another. Let the lightness of beginning overtake the place of the weight of success. Even in the midst of the growing pains that finally lead you there, you can discover gratitude for the chance to get stronger.
“No one wins at chess by only moving forward; sometimes you have to move backward to put yourself in a position to win.”
5. Find gratitude amid health problems.
The pain can be mediated by a sense of gratitude for having a chance to move forward on our own terms. Of having a life worth living, from moment to precious moment.
Gratitude for having a life worth living can help to mitigate the pain of health problems.
6. Find gratitude when someone you love dies.
One never completely gets over the loss and one will never forget them. Death is an opportunity to celebrate a person’s life, and to be grateful for the beauty they showed us.
Death is an opportunity to celebrate a person’s life and be grateful for their beauty.
If we can learn from our failures and problems in life and begin to see our circumstances as our teachers, we can turn them into amazing growth opportunities. In addition, the best time to concentrate on being grateful is when you don’t feel like it because this is the moment when doing so might have the greatest impact.
CHERNOFF, M. (2019). 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently (2nd ed., pp. 27–31). TarcherPerigee. 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently;
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